
Société d’études du méthodisme français

Des millions de personnes de par le monde suivent encore les méthodes de John Wesley, qui est considéré par beaucoup comme un grand réformateur et qui a dit : «...

Sur les pas des Huguenots

Du Poët-Laval (Drôme) à Bad Karlshafen (Allemagne), en passant par Genève, un itinéraire culturel européen marche sur les traces de l’exil des Huguenots dauphinois, au lendemain de la révocation de...

Cultural consequences of independence from the Catholic Church

The Reform Movement was an integral part of the cultural  revolution started by the Humanists. At this time religious belief dictated how you led your life, how you understood the...

Political consequences of independence from the Catholic Church

The fact that Catholics and Protestants were now split into two separate faiths led to many conflicts between the two groups. XVIth century France was divided into two parts and...

Religious consequences of the break from the Catholic Church

With the Calvinist and Lutheran beliefs, resulting from the Reform Movement, new Christian Churches began to evolve which were independent from the Catholic Church; they developed in different ways according...

Who was Jean Calvin?

Jean Calvin was a lawyer, a humanist who agreed with Martin Luther’s new ideas and became a great theologian. He was obliged to leave France for Geneva where he designed...

Who was Martin Luther?

Luther was a monk, a professor of theology. He criticised the customs of the Catholic Church such as selling indulgences, which he deemed contrary to Bible teachings. He was excommunicated...

Jean Calvin’s ideas

Calvin extended Luther’s ideas. He helped French-speaking Protestant Churches develop. He insisted on predestination that liberated people from worrying about what was going to happen after death so that they...

Martin Luther’s ideas

Martin Luther was a preacher, a theologian and a translator.

Events around the rupture

Several events illustrate the split that the Protestant Reformation provoked with the former religious order imposed by the Catholic Church.

Pastor Louis Dallière (1897-1976), Reformed-Pentecostal

Louis Dallière, a pastor in the Evangelical Reformed Church (ERE), influenced by Pentecostal ideas in the 1930s, became the leader of this spiritual movement in Ardèche. He led the parishes...

Adelaïde Haas Hautval (1906-1988)

A physician, she was deported to Auschwitz for standing up for Jews. She refused to take part in the medical “experiments” on Jewish women; she was declared “Righteous among the...

The Protestant Faculty of Theology in Strasbourg

The Protestant Faculty of Theology in Strasbourg, successor to the School founded in 1538, is one of the oldest sites offering training for a variety of ministries within the church....

Johannes Oekolampad (1482-1531)

Oekolampad was one of the first Reformers. He brought the Protestant Reformation to Basel and then spread it in Southern Germany. Like Zwingli, he belonged to the Reform Movement.

Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575)

Heinrich Bullinger was a theologian and a Reformer who supported the Reform Movement in Zurich after Zwingli’s death in 1531. He also played a key role in spreading the Protestant...