A wide range of destinies
Absolute power was contested
Cartes – XVIe siècle
Christianity in the West
in 16th century -
Church organisation
Documents – XVIe siècle
Eighth war of Religion (1585-1598)
Factors preceding
the Reformation -
Fifth war of Religion (1574-1576)
First war of Religion (1562-1563)
Fourth war of Religion and Saint Bartholomew (1572-1573)
Henri IV et la conquête du royaume (1589-1598)
Huguenot pirates
in the 16th century -
Luther vu dans l’histoire
Lyon, the short-lived capital of Protestantism (1562-1563)
Martin Luther
and the Lutheran Reformation -
Martin Luther and Erasmus
Martin Luther and music
Martin Luther and public life
Martin Luther,
his written works