The conversion policy (1660-1685)
The Edict of Fontainebleau
or the Revocation (1685) -
The Edict of rigour (1661-1685)
The enforcement of the Edict
of Nantes until 1610 -
The first Canadian colony : Acadia
The first major jubilee of 1617
in Germany -
The geography
of Protestantism (1660) -
The Huguenot Refuge
The Huguenot Refuge
in America -
The Huguenot Refuge
in Hesse-Cassel -
The Huguenot Refuge
in the United Provinces -
The last religious wars (1621-1629)
The Lutherans in Paris
The Montbéliard district during the 17th century
The new converts
The origins of the Camisards war
The period of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1661-1700)
The prison sentence
The Protestant resistance (1661-1700)
The reactions in France
and abroad