The massacre of Wassy (1562)
The Colloquium of Poissy (1561)
The Amboise Conspiracy (1560)
The posters incident (1534)
The Catholic Reformation
or Counter-Reformation
in 16th century -
The Anglican Reformation
in 16th century -
The radical Reformation
in 16th century -
Several models of Reformation
The Calvinist Reformation
in 16th century -
The Works of Jean Calvin
The Lutheran Reformation
The Augsburg confession (1530)
Factors preceding
the Reformation -
The Reformation established
in France -
Christianity in the West
in 16th century -
On being a Protestant
in 16th century in France -
A wide range of destinies
Absolute power was contested
The reformed service
of worship and the sacraments -
Church organisation