The England Street
The new religion asserted itself thanks to Bernard Colom, a young man of Montauban.
Bernard Colom, who studied in Paris, converted to Calvinism. Returning home to his parents in Montauban, he wished to spread his new belief, and despite the dangers, met four friends with whom to share his faith.
In the Rue d’Angleterre (The England Street), leading to the Faubourg of Moustier, Bernard Colom brought together Jean Montanier, Pierre Calas, Pierre du Perier and the futur pastor Jean Constans, to pray and sing psalms.
The meeting was held outside the city walls, which limited the city between the present alleys of Mortarieu and the Botanical Garden. Montauban could be accessed through Moustier Gate.
The group called themselves « the five of Moustier » and slowly grew to such a large size that pastor Masson himself came to celebrate the Last Supper, and to form a consistory.
The England Street
Impasse d'Angleterre, Montauban, France
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Walk in the Protestant Montauban
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