Histoire de la France protestante

Explorez l’histoire protestante de France à travers ces huit entretiens avec des historiennes et des historiens. De Martin Luther à Jean Calvin, de la Saint Barthélémy au Concordat, du Refuge à l’Œcuménisme, laissez vous raconter ces cinq siècles d’histoire de France. Un podcast proposé par Regards protestant et par le Musée protestant.

Réalisation : Tudi Crequer
Habillage et mixage : Alexandre Lechaux

Associated notes

The Lutheran Reformation

Luther initiated a reformation movement with the aim of correcting the practices as well as the doctrine of the Church. He did not intend to found a new Church. But...

The Anglican Reformation in 16th century

The secession of the Church of England in 1534 opens the gates to the Protestant influence.

The Catholic Reformation or Counter-Reformation in 16th century

The council of Trent (1545-1563) was a turning point in the history of Catholicism when dogma and disciplinary reforms were passed.

The Reformation established in France

As everywhere in Europe, the desire for a reform of the Church was widespread throughout the whole of France. This is why scholars so readily welcomed Luther’s ideas.

The Reformation in 3 minutes (video)

In 16th-century Europe, a group of people criticised the Catholic Church – they were called Protestants – and created a different church, called the “Reformed” church. Hence the expression “Protestant...