The architecture
of 17th century churches

In the 17th century, Protestant religious architecture flourished all over France. Unfortunately few churches survive today – a large number were destroyed after only a short time.

Many churches were destroyed before and after the Revocation of the edict of Nantes

  • Half-section of the temple of Petit-Quevilly (Rouen, Seine-Maritime)

Between 1664 and 1683, the churches in Montauban were destroyed.

In 1685, the date of the Revocation of the edict of Nantes, many churches, including some wonderful buildings (Caen, La Rochelle, Rouen…) were pulled down. Fortunately, though, the drawings and documents still survive.

After the Revolution, some Catholic churches were bought by the State and given to the Protestants

At the time of the Revolution in 1789, the Protestants were lucky enough to be given some very beautiful religious buildings, which had previously belonged to the Catholics. Some examples in Paris are the Eglise de l’Oratiore (Oratory Church), built by Lemercier in 1621 and the Chapelle Sainte-Marie, built by François Mansart between 1632 and 1634.


  • Sites
    • Les temples protestants de France | Link

Associated notes