Resistance Street

Hotel Pechels, Montauban © Collection privée
  • The Saint Louis Church

The enlargement of Bessières Street in the last century led to the demolition of buildings built on the site of the former Saint-Louis church. Built in the 13th century, it was occupied by the Calvinists who transformed it into a temple for some time and then into an arsenal. After the arrival of Richelieu in 1629, it returned to the Dames Ursulines, then was destroyed at the Revolution. The rib-vaulted corridor of warheads that can be seen through the window of the Cinderella store (No. 19N° rue de la Résistance) could be a remnant of this church.

  • Hôtel (Private Mansion) Pechels at N°45

A narrow passage allows access to the courtyard of this building. A beautiful baluster staircase gives an idea of the quality of the hotel’s owners. Samuel de Pechels, who lived there in 1685 and stubbornly refused to abjure (his example was relied upon to be a lead for many of the bourgeoisie), he suffered the shock of dragonnades, which he recounted in his Memoirs. He was deported to Santo Domingo, and had to go to London in 1688. There he was joined by his wife and settled permanently in England.

Resistance Street

Rue de la Résistance, Montauban, France

Itinerary to this location

Associated tours

Walk in the Protestant Montauban

The conditions of foundation of the city, in 1144, by Alphonse Jourdain, Count of Toulouse, the rights granted by a particularly liberal charter for the time, the fact of being...

Associated notes

The “Dragonnades” (1681-1685)

A “Dragonnade” was the forced lodging of dragoons, the king’s soldiers, in Huguenot homes. The latter were looted and mistreated until they renounced their faith.