The Private Mansion Sorbiac

The Private Mansion Sorbiac, Montauban © Collection Mme Deymié

On the corner of Léon de Malleville Street and Montmurat quay stands the private Mansion Scorbiac that the Aliès family formerly owned. Many leading figures were invited before, during and after the wars of religion, such as Henri de Navarre who visited a few times, as well as the Duke of La Force, but also Louis XIII after the Fronde revolt in 1632, and « Intendant » Foucault upon his arrival in Montauban.

The Private Mansion Sorbiac

1 Place Léon Bourjade, 82000 Montauban, France

Itinerary to this location

Progress in the tour

Associated tours

Walk in the Protestant Montauban

The conditions of foundation of the city, in 1144, by Alphonse Jourdain, Count of Toulouse, the rights granted by a particularly liberal charter for the time, the fact of being...

Associated notes

The “Dragonnades” (1681-1685)

A “Dragonnade” was the forced lodging of dragoons, the king’s soldiers, in Huguenot homes. The latter were looted and mistreated until they renounced their faith.