The impasse Tout-y-Faut (Dead-end)

  • Vue de l'Impasse Tout-y-Faut - La Rochelle
    View from Impasse Tout-y-Faut - La Rochelle © Collection privée

Henri Lancelot Voisin de La Popelinière lived in one of the houses on this street when he came to La Rochelle. He was born in 1541 at Saint-Gemme la Plaine in Vendée, and died destitute in Paris in 1608. He bravely fought with the Protestant troops during the ‘unrest’, especially in the île de Ré in 1575.

One of the books he wrote was a Histoire de France depuis 1550 jusqu’en 1577 (History of France from 1550 to 1577) published in La Rochelle by A. Haultin in 1581. The work was banned at the request of Henri de Navarre who saw it as an attack against the Reformed religion ‘as well as against those in his house’.

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