Civil and religious buildings turned into Temples
after the Revolution
The nationalisation of clergy estates during the Revolution, and the disbanding of monastic communities left many churches, monasteries and abbeys unused.
The Convention Nationale (1792-1795), having decreed that royal dwellings, immigrants property, religious estates, castles, convents, churches, convents and abbeys were henceforth national property, they all became State property. A great number of buildings were then unused and abandoned.
The Concordat encouraged them to be used again
The Concordat and the 1801 organic laws restored freedom of worship.
The political power of the Consulat (1798-1804) and of the Empire (1804-1815) promoted the use of former Catholic churches, abbeys and convents by the Protestants.
There were so many cases that they cannot be listed individually, but a few noteworthy buildings, still used as Temples today, have been selected.
Civil buildings tuned into Temples
During the 19th century some civil buildings found a new role and became Protestant Temples.
Progress in the tour
Associated tours
Churches assigned to the Protestants after the Revolution
The Revolution declared national assets many no longer used monastery buildings. Napoleon Bonaparte assigned 130 of them to Protestant worship.
Associated notes
The architecture of 17th century churches
In the 17th century, Protestant religious architecture flourished all over France. Unfortunately few churches survive today – a large number were destroyed after only a short time. -
Protestant temples : from the 16th century to the Revocation
In 16th century France Reformed services were held in former Catholic churches and in new buildings.