2824 result(s)
- Temple in Cardet (30)
- Organ in the Billettes Lutheran church in Paris
- Agrippa d'Aubigné (1552-1630)
- If castle in Marseilles
- Logo of the Universal Evangelical Alliance
- Vivent's autograph
- Basville's signature
- Claude Brousson's signature
- 16th century houses in Strasbourg
- Castle in Anet (28), Philibert Delorme and Jean Goujon
- Square courtyard of the Louvre, Paris, sculptures by Jean Goujon (c.1510-1567)
- Sculptures by Jean Goujon in the Caryatids gallery in the Louvre, Paris
- Castle in Fresne (general view after C. Chastillon), B. Androuët du Cerceau
- Fontainebleau (77) castle by J. Androuët du Cerceau I
- Decorative element of the Madrid castle in Neuilly, J. Androuët du Cerceau I
- Peugeot automobile (poster)
- Holy communion table from the temple in Saint-Jean-de-Maruejols (Gard)
- Logo de Fréquence Protestante
- Temple in Cardet (17th century)
- Scheurer-Kestner, industialist, politician (1833-1899)
- Deyfus degraded in the courtyard of the École Militaire
- Inscription on a house in Walincourt
- Salin temple in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne)
- History of religions by A. Reville