2824 result(s)
- Oyster
- Representation of Copernicus's system (etching by Andréa Celarius 1661)
- Savonarole by Fra Bartolomeo
- Protestant graveyard near Beaussais (79)
- Mise à mort de huguenots
- Baptism: presentation to the community
- Nostradamus. Portrait of a soothsayer: Nostradamus, an almanach peddler - Cartoon from Epinal.
- Storm
- Antoine Chandieu 1534-1591, gentilhomme bourguignon converti à la Réforme
- The four horsemen of the Apocalypse
- Reading the baptism liturgy
- Baptême protestant
- Man with corresponding zodiacal signs
- Jeremy Donatello Florence
- Claude Dolet's Genethliacum written by his father, Etienne Dolet
- The Pantagrueline prognostication by Rabelais (1532)
- The big Chatelet in the 17th century
- Crucifixion by Raphael
- Marcile Ficin by Andrea Ferruci
- Resurrection of the dead Stained glass window from the Sainte Chapelle - Cluny Museum
- Dance of the dead
- Oneself as another by Paul Ricoeur
- Fisherman in Iceland by Pierre Loti
- Statue of Liberty in Paris by Auguste Bartholdi