2824 result(s)
- Massacre of Saint-Barthélemy
- Agreement between Henri III and Henri of Navarre (1588)
- David's Psalms turned into French by Clément Marot et Théodore de Bèze
- XXXIII Psalm versified by Clément Marot
- XXV Psalm versified by Clément Marot
- Assassination of Henri IV by Ravaillac (1610)
- Henri IV Abjuration Ceremony
- Benjamin Constant (1767-1830)
- Missionary boat
- Paris, Faubourg Saint-Antoine Room
- The inside of the Bonne Nouvelle Room, Paris
- Paris, reading room of the Historical Society of French Protestantism
- François Guizot (1787-1874)
- La Muette shelter, 43 Sergent Beauchat street, Paris
- House of the deaconesses, Reuilly street, Paris
- Miss Malvesin
- Agricultural colony of young male offenders in Ste Foy
- John Bost (1817-1881)
- Clémentine Cuvier
- The vicarage in Moorea
- Group of Senegalese
- Missionary coach in Kalabané
- Morija station
- Eugène Casalis