2824 result(s)
- Castle of Pradel that belonged to Olivier de Serres (07)
- House where Calvin lived around 1530 in Orleans
- The castle in Nerac (47)
- The temple of Pontorson, 17th (Manche)
- Institution pour the deaf Protestants in Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort (Gard)
- La Villeneuve temple in la Rochelle (17)
- Temple in Monneaux (Aisne)
- Saint-Martin Temple in Montbéliard (25)
- Le Pont de Montvert
- Puylaurens, Protestant Academy
- Lyon (69), the inside of the Paradis Temple (1564)
- Huguenot crosses
- The Trente Council
- The Church of Saint-Martin de Montbéliard
- Pouzauges (Vendée) sheltered a church of the Desert
- Luther at the Diet of Worms
- Temple of Charenton (plan)
- Temple in 1639 (Bègles)
- Declaration of Human Rights in 1789
- Clément Marot (1496-1544)
- La Rochelle
- Psalter from the Desert
- Montpellier
- 18th century communion cup that could be disassembled