Albert Schweitzer’s House
in Gunsbach

This house belonged to Albert Schweitzer,
who won the Nobel Peace Prize

Albert Schweitzer's house, Gunsbach, Haut Rhin © Musée Albert Schweitzer

Albert Schweitzer was born in Kayerserberg in 1875 and his parents moved to Gunsbach when he was 6 months old ; his father was a pastor there for 50 years, until 1925. In 1928 Albert Schweitzer had his own house built in Gunsbach, which he used as a place where he could recuperate when he came back to Europe on furlough.

And it remains the same today, just as it was in 1959, when the Doctor came there for the last time from Africa. You can see his office, his bedroom, his piano with a special pedal system similar to that of an organ, his Nobel Peace Prize diploma (1952), various souvenirs from Africa… The International Association of the Doctor Schweitzer charity in Lamboréné (AISL) has made this house into a museum called the Albert Schweitzer Museum and established it as a main archive centre. It has also bought up the former vicarage and transformed it into a meeting-place for members of the AISL. This has all been financed by funds from Switzerland, Germany, England, America and France.

Musée Albert Schweitzer
8 route de Munster
F-68140 Gunsbach
Tel : +33 (0) 3 89 77 31 42
Contact :

Albert Schweitzer’s House
in Gunsbach

8 route de Munster 68140 Gunsbach

Itinerary to this location

Author: Albert Schweitzer’s House


  • Sites
    • Site de l’Association Internationale Schweitzer Lambaréné | Link

Associated notes

Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)

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